Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Mom says Hi!

OMG! I haven't posted since 11/1! I can't believe it has been so long. it's been a busy, busy month. Anderson has just turned 6 months old! And, i still can't believe it. Thre has just been so much that I have encountered in the last 6 months, I am trying to get it all in this blog... I have added info. about formula, bottles, slings, etc. Just have to remember what's next. :-) Happy Turkey Day to everyone. I'll definitely be posting more soon!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

New Mom says "Try to do something for yourself once a day, if not once a week"

Mommies, please do this to keep your sanity. At the beginning of my post partum depression (see upcoming story soon), I made myself start doing things that I did before I had Anderson: pedicures, manicures, going to the grocery store, etc. Just a few minutes of "me" time started me on the path to recovery. If you are not suffering from PPD, and have access to daddy or some type of sitter you trust with your child, then please get out of the house. Walking with the baby everyday is nice, but you still are responsible for that being that is with you. That's why when I say by yourself, I mean ALONE!!