Friday, October 31, 2008

New Mom's Take on Formula

Formula is so NOT a bad thing! I wonder why there are so many people out there that look down on us who weren't able to breastfeed as naturally and as steadfastly as some other mommies. I went to this local store in Sacramento-I will mention the name- called Elliott's natural Foods to get some oil for my baby's cradle cap, and somehow the woman helping me got to asking me whether I breastfed or not. Then, she proceeded to tell me that breastmilk was best for my baby (like I didn't know that, lady!!) and that goat's milk was the closest thing to human milk as they could get. Then, when I was at the checkout stand, she handed me a breastfeeding flyer! I swear, i should have just walked out. Needless to say, I will NEVER go back or recommend Elliott's natural Foods in Sacramento!! So, please do not frown on us. Can't we all just get along? I don't flick my nose up at you mommies with Hooter Hiders on, breastfeeding their little ones. That's your business just like formula feeding is mine!!!! I am still connected with my son, even though he's not sucking on my boob. His little hands still play with my fingers and he lovingly gazes into my eyes!! It's just that when mommy needs some well needed rest, other people can just as easily take on the job of feeding the little one. I can tell you during the first couple of months, that part truly helped with my mental well being!! So, as for formula, Anderson drinks Enfamil Gentlease ( We tried others, but his poop smelled like toxic waste--where just now, it stinks a bit!! :-) If you formula feed, please don't forget to go to the company's web site and sign up to receive discount coupons in the mail!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Mom's Anniversary

It is the 5 year anniversary of mine and my husband's first date together. I can't believe it has been that long!! But, I remember the day as if it were yesterday...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Mom's Information on Bottles

Mommies out there, There are so many bottles on the market today that it is hard to find one your baby takes to, especially if you are a breastfeeding mom (which I am not, I must say). So, here are my suggestions on bottles that Anderson has tried: *Playtex Ventaire was the first real bottle we tried on Anderson, and he liked it pretty good. However, at that time, we started hearing more and more about what BPA can possibly do to a growing infant, and that brand did not have any BPA-free bottles. So, we switched. (Also, I think it's interesting how a tampon company makes baby bottles, too... Think about it!) *Born Free: this is a BPA-free bottle and VERY expensive. we got two of them and used them for awhile. But, Anderson just started playing with the nipple as he got older (he's 5.5 months now) because it is so flimsy. So, we quit using those... *Dr. Brown's BPA-free Plastic Bottles: OK, so the multiple parts to this bottle might scare some people. But, if you have a good dishwasher and these Munchkin dishwasher baskets ( ~ the straw holder holds the internal air vent tubes perfectly), then the cleaning of the bottles are not bad at all. We do have 15 bottles, so we have enough to keep us going each day. This is perfect, too, because it forces us to do dishes EVERY DAY because we run the dishwasher EVERY DAY. No worries, we do have a water saving dishwasher. Ha! *Playtex Drop ins: we use this bottle system when traveling. I really like the handiness of it, but I wish they would make just nipples and collars for the bottles, so I can keep using the same drop in holder. Now, we have to wait everytime we use this system. Phoowy!! Well, that's my two cents. if anyone has any other input, please let me know...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hint #6: New Mom Loves Baby Carriers

This new mom loves baby carriers. Slings and the Baby Bjorn are my things. I am so glad I discovered these wonderful items after my son was born!! I felt so isolated in the house; and I was constantly waiting around for my little one to go to sleep, so I could do things (bathroom break, time to myself, etc.). The Hotsling brought me out of my rut once I purchased one (I have two now). I was able to pop my newborn it it and run around the house and do things! Even go outside for a quick walk. Really. You don't realize how you need two hands to do things until you are using one and carrying a baby in the other. I also got a Kangaroo Korner Mesh Sling that is great for hot days and taking baby into the water or the shower. I have been using the Baby Bjorn now that the little dude is getting heavier and heavier. It distributes the weight much better. I would love to try this Moby Wrap, but it looks so confusing, and I don't know if i am ready to figure out how to wrap this 15+ feet of fabric around myself while my baby is crying. it might be worth a shot, since I have back problems as it is... If anyone has any other suggestions, please feel free to let me know!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hint #5: New Mom's Hints for Cradle Cap and Eczema

I AM NOT A DOCTOR!! I wish I made the big bucks, but I don’t! However, when Anderson got a really bad case of cradle cap, I worried. It went down to his ear lobes, forehead, cheeks… It was not fun. L My girlfriend gave me the rest of their baby shampoo and said it worked for her son’s cradle cap (head). So, I tried it. After a couple of weeks, the cradle cap was nearly gone. Into the fourth week, it was completely gone! It was so nice for my little guy!! The product is called Mustela Foam shampoo for newborns: Ultra-gentle, self-foaming shampoo washes away flakes associated with cradle cap. As for his face & ears, I used Hydrocortisone 5%. I felt that the benefits of the crème outweighed any side effects, and his eczema went away very quick! So, it’s up to you whether you use hydrocortisone or not. I did and it worked like a charm!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hint #4: New Mom Suggests Glider or Rocker

Get one! That’s all I say! It’s possibly soothing for baby, but it’s definitely soothing for mommy (or daddy or partner or grandparent, etc.). Be sure to get a foot stool or ottoman to go with it. If you can, be sure that the chair comes up enough on your back to where you can rest your head on it. Trust me! There will be nights when you just want to rest your head a bit, and the back of your chair is good enough!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hint #3: New Mom Cheers the Corner Changing Table

When I was reading through the Baby Guides on what to purchase for the little one, I came across a corner changing table. This allows you to face the baby’s feet, instead of contorting yourself to change the baby sideways. I said, “What the heck? Let’s get it!” So, my husband ordered it, and put it together. It was nice that it did not take much room because it fit right in the corner! When baby came home, it was quite a lifesaver because of the ease of changing a diaper. When you have a newborn screaming and fussing because they are naked for a diaper change, this gives you a quicker way of getting that diaper on and off…

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hint #2: New Mom Swears by The Miracle Blanket

Swaddling is difficult enough as it is. Learning to swaddle on a doll in a birth class is quite easy. Learning on a squiggly newborn is a bit more difficult. I went to my mommies group, and one of the gals there brought out this blanket to show it to everyone. I stopped and looked at it and said to myself, “Goodness, what a horrible contraption. It looks like a straight jacket for a baby.” Anderson was only 3 weeks old when the Miracle Blanket was demonstrated that day and he still uses it at 4.5 months old! I am an advocate of this thing. The receiving blankets, sleep sacks, wearable blankets, etc., that are used for swaddling are nothing compared to the Miracle Blanket. It reduced fussiness, helped Anderson sleep longer, and kept him on his back (don’t forget to keep baby on their back to reduce the chance of SIDS)… When the baby does get older, there is always a possibility of them breaking out of the Miracle Blanket—like little Houdinis—so keep an eye out for that!! Go get a Miracle Blanket today… Stores in the Sacramento area that sell The Miracle Blanket: Once Upon a Child #27937 Greenback LaneCitrus Heights CA 95610916-725-2525 Mother and Baby Source714 2nd StreetDavis CA 95616530-756-6667 Once Upon a Child #1703-3 E Bidwell St.Folsom CA 95630916-983-6185 Starlight Starbright2766 East Bidwell Street Ste 500Folsom CA 95630334-538-4410 GOORE'S FOR BABIES TO TEENS2700 Marconi AvenueSacramento CA 95821916-485-1915 If you know any others, please let me know!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hint #1: New Mom Loves Those Diapers w/ the Stripe

Mommies, When I was in the hospital after the birth of my son, we were given these great diapers that had a yellow stripe on them. When the baby pooed or peed, the stripe turned blue-green. We came home from the hospital with a small bag of them and quickly got to the last one!! In a fit, my husband went out in search of these diapers. Well, needless to say, he couldn't find them. he looked high and low. He even checked on-line. Well, my son got a little bit of diaper rash, so my hubby thought it would be a good odea to get sensitive diapers. Lo and behold: there was the stripe. We were so happy!! Nowhere on the hospital diapers did it say 'sensitive'. it only said for hospital use. Anyhow, the diapers are Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive. They are a bit more expensive than the normal ones, but are well worth it when you are there in the middle of the night wondering if your little one has a pee pee diaper or not--the absorbancy factor is just so huge in diapers nowadays!! Hope Hint #1 helped a bit: Pampers swaddlers Sensitive: the one with the stripe!!