Friday, October 31, 2008

New Mom's Take on Formula

Formula is so NOT a bad thing! I wonder why there are so many people out there that look down on us who weren't able to breastfeed as naturally and as steadfastly as some other mommies. I went to this local store in Sacramento-I will mention the name- called Elliott's natural Foods to get some oil for my baby's cradle cap, and somehow the woman helping me got to asking me whether I breastfed or not. Then, she proceeded to tell me that breastmilk was best for my baby (like I didn't know that, lady!!) and that goat's milk was the closest thing to human milk as they could get. Then, when I was at the checkout stand, she handed me a breastfeeding flyer! I swear, i should have just walked out. Needless to say, I will NEVER go back or recommend Elliott's natural Foods in Sacramento!! So, please do not frown on us. Can't we all just get along? I don't flick my nose up at you mommies with Hooter Hiders on, breastfeeding their little ones. That's your business just like formula feeding is mine!!!! I am still connected with my son, even though he's not sucking on my boob. His little hands still play with my fingers and he lovingly gazes into my eyes!! It's just that when mommy needs some well needed rest, other people can just as easily take on the job of feeding the little one. I can tell you during the first couple of months, that part truly helped with my mental well being!! So, as for formula, Anderson drinks Enfamil Gentlease ( We tried others, but his poop smelled like toxic waste--where just now, it stinks a bit!! :-) If you formula feed, please don't forget to go to the company's web site and sign up to receive discount coupons in the mail!!

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